Mid July Questions

When you elevate a pot like that,  it dries out super fast since hot air is all around it. When it's too dry a lot, it's less healthy and more susceptible to disease.

It's best if you can plant in the ground so it has room to spread its roots.

If you keep growing in pots, leave them on the ground and you'll likely need to water daily and fertilize weekly with a very weak liquid fertilizer.

Pot on the ground, water throroughly. Start from the soil level and remove all yellow leaves, throwing them in the trash. Use scissors. Leave the green ones.

Remove the green tomatoes so it can focus on leaves and recovery.
Gonna sound woowoo but talk really nicely to it while you are caring for it - every time you go out to check it. And only have good thoughts toward it - no worry. Plants give off electric vibrations and can pick them up as well. Science proves it ❤️

Hydrangeas - Hydra = water

They like a lot of water. Sandy soil drains super fast so water doesn't stick around long for the plant to get it. Try adding 2-3 inches of compost as a mulch around the bottom of the plant - about an inch away from the roots out to the tips of the leaves. Compost holds water better and adds natural vitamins.

Look up - is it under eaves or an awning? If so, rain can't reach it. What type of water are you using? Rain water is best. City water can work if you fill water cans and let them sit about 24 hours to let the chlorine dissipate. Softened well water has sodium that accumulates over time. Straight well water might be too hard mineral wise.

Consider moving it to a more wet place in the yard.

They like sun so if you move it, think water and sun and add compost to the area.

Also get some fertilizer made for hydrangeas and follow the label instructions.

Bring flowers you love up much closer to the house and only plant shrubs in the back and grasses that the deer don't like.

Closer to the house you can add motion centers lights and sprinklers that go on when they come near. You can also put up posts and put invisible fishing line that confuses the deer when they bump up against it.

Here's a video I made with some more ideas.



Hummingbird flower pots


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