Hummingbird flower pots

Do you grow in containers and want to attract hummingbirds to your yard? Consider these selections!

Replace just one of your usual container plants or try a whole new annual arrangement and see what happens!

Annual salvia - upright habits, attractive to pollinators, comes in a variety of colors, drought resistant, deer resistant

Flowering tobacco - upright and flowing habits, comes in a variety of colors, deer resistant

Penstemon - upright habit, comes in a variety of colors, deer resistant

Zinnia - can get short or tall varieties, nice cut flower, attractive to butterflies, easy to start from seed, easy to seed save for future years, comes in a variety of colors

Nasturtium - trails over pot edges, can also be trained up a trellis structure, edible, comes in a variety of colors, easy to grow from seed, deer resistant

Fuschia - flows over pot edges, comes in a variety of colors, plant in areas protected from deer

Cleome - can get tall and showy, good for the center of large pots, or supported with a wire hoop or stakes, reseeds easily for future years, easy to grow from seed, deer resistant


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