What's Bugging You?

Lots of bugs look very similar!

Please don't indiscriminately spray random insecticides - killing the good and bad and poisoning your food and soil.

Identify the bug by pictures and learn its Latin name so when you look up information about it you know exactly what it is how it grows And how to best manage it!

Save and share these photos to help your friends and neighbors!
#Lilybeetles can devastate #Asianlilies. Look for the eggs under the leaves.
#boxelders are related to #stinkbugs so if you squish them,  it will be smelly. If your pet eats them, they'll probably vomit. They don't like the cold and will come indoors for warmth.
#milkweedbugs are only on #milkweed and don't cause much damage to anything. They are just a bit creepy 😉

Squash Bugs literally mate, live and destroy squash plants: summer and winter, pumpkins, and some melon plants as well.

Stink bugs come in many varieties and tend to like specific crops. They do have a terrible odor when squished and also like to come indoors when it gets cold outside.

Check out the reels I posted today on Instagram and Facebook about how I handle. #squashbugs 😀 #learnandgrow

Here's a long form You Tube video:


Mid July Questions


Would you like to raise monarchs?