Going bare
Planting bare root and fruit trees
Cool, cloudy, rainy days are great for planting or transplanting! Again, use weather to your advantage!
Bare-root and fruit trees are becoming more available. You might also order them from a nursery online and receive them in the mail.
Here are a couple good videos and an article. I'd also toss some Myke's in at root level when planting. They say it's like forks and knives for trees and shrubs, helping roots soak in soil nutrients.
Don't add plants around new trees - leave that bare except for some shallow mulch that doesn't touch the trunk. Also, when in doubt, plant too shallow versus too deep.
How-to plant bare root tree video. https://youtu.be/WTa453qiycY
Fruit trees. Looks like more trees planted a bit closer is better :) https://youtu.be/R23smdpvPmk
Covering ground around tree. Janet Macunovich is an outstanding speaker - especially on trees. She routunely “recues” trees that have been incorrectly planted - even those that are decades old! https://gardenatoz.com/what's-up!/main-features-this-season/new-tree-best-barefoot
Since trees are investments, it's good to know how to get them off to a good start! Great diagrams here https://www.mnla.com/resource/resmgr/docs/MNLA-WF18-PlantWellRoots.pdf
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Click here to get two free planting guides for Zone 6 in Michigan. www.thelazynortherngardener.com/sage-opt-in-simple-3