Invisibility Cloak
Hidden in plain sight!
This spring I built two 4x4x2 Gardenary style raised kitchen garden beds in the front yard - outside the kitchen window. I have Gardenary design plans for vegetables to grow which feature cold weather crops. One bed will have broccoli going down the middle and the other will have cabbage.
The white butterflies that you see fluttering around in the spring are actually called cabbage moths. They lay their eggs on these types of crops so when they hatch the caterpillars have a tasty treat to grow on.
Bug netting can physically protect the plants but it can be ugly.
One way to distract them is to plants flowers around the edges and corners.
One way to disguise them is surrounding them with garlic. In Michigan we're supposed to plant hardneck garlic in the fall. But what happens if you just started a new garden bed and want to plant garlic? You can either plant soft neck garlic which doesn't last as long but can be planted in the spring or you might try rooting your garlic with this method below.
Great You Tube video from the article.
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Click here to get two free planting guides for Zone 6 in Michigan.