Cage match, death fights!

I can tell it's spring again because of the cage match death fights.

I have a little rooster named Greyson and his crow is really high pitched. He's an Americana. I have a large rooster who's a White Brahma and his name is Josh and he has a low pitched crow and laid back personality. They were part of a set of four chicks I picked up from a big box company who said they were hens... That was incorrect...

I went out to check on them the other day and everybody was yelling and running around and it looked like the turkeys were attacking the little rooster, Greyson. I stopped to watch to see what the heck was going on. As it turned out the little rooster was attacking the big rooster and there was a lot of blood everywhere! And the rest of the flock was freaking out!

The two roosters were so involved in attack/defend squaring off that they didn't even see me come up on them. I was able to grab the little one from the cage fight and plop him into the nearby vegetable garden pen. I ended up clipping both of their both roosters' spurs and keeping them separated, even at bedtime. The little one goes in the hen house and the door is closed while I have Josh, the big one sleep on the roosts near the turkeys in the secure pen.

What a dilemma! Spring is going to last a long time so I might not be able to keep two roosters. I never wanted to have to decide but after watching over the last couple days I can see it's clear that Greyson is the attacker. I tried to free-range both of them out at one time and as soon as the little one saw the big one he ran over and attacked him. Not cool.

Otherwise Greyson is a very good rooster because he watches over the ladies and he lets them know when there's a good treat nearby without indulging himself. Another thing he has in his favor is that he's very cute. If I need to rehome him I don't think it would be difficult to do but it will hurt my ❤.

Good ending! Posted an ad: Free Americuana rooster, ___. Great protector and treat alerter for his ladies. Do you see how he's turned his back on the treats I'm handing out, on the lookout for any threats and letting the rest of the flock know there's food over here . Only hassles the other rooster :("

Result: God is so.good and always surprising me!! There's a lady who lives 30 minutes away who just lost her 12-year old Ameraucana rooster that looks just like Greyson. She is so excited to get a new rooster she's coming down tomorrow morning to pick him up. And knowing that he's going to go to someone who really wants him and he'll have a harem all to himself makes letting go just a little easier…

Tammy Lowe

What to Do When Your Roosters are Fighting and How to Care for Them Afterwards

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