Master Mosquitoes
Can’t stand the biting buggers anymore?? Me either!
Here are IDEAS for you to try.
I give no guarantees on effectiveness but hope something works well for you!
Prevention - Attract Predators
swallows - migrate in fall and spring
dragonflies - migrate in fall and spring
bats - migrate or hibernate in winter
praying mantis
Prevention - Plants
lemon grass
lemon balm
citronella geraniums
pollinator garden
Prevention - Environment
Dump standing water
Add mosquito dunks to buckets of standing water - as a trap
Add mosquito dunks to ponds, rain barrels and water features - to keep counts low
Do garden chores either very early in the morning or late at night.
insect shield clothes
wind shirts, floppy hat, mosquito net
long pants and socks
arm sleeves and bandanas
mosquito repellent clothes: No fly zone and Insectshield
tiny mesh coverings: pants, shirt, mittens, socks. The hood goes over the face and zips at the neck.
a bee suit
a dryer sheet sticking out of a pocket
Prevention - Ingest, Apply and Use
Take B vitamins
Take brewers yeast from April til October
Take zinc
Eat more garlic
Avoid eating bananas
Peppermint oil - drop on back of neck and exposed skin. Or mix two cups of water, 16 drops of peppermint essential oil, and one squirt of Dawn dishwashing liquid. Put the mixture in a spray bottle.
Pure vanilla extract - spray like bug spray
Oils mixed with water and witch hazel, put in a spray bottle. Add lavender, oregano, clove and/or whatever you have on hand.
Skin So Soft - Avon makes wipes
Shower with Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Soap
Zevo bug spray
STEM bug repellent
Mosquito repellent like OFF or Picaridin
Rub scented dryer sheets over your skin
Citronella candle
Coffee grounds in between patio stones to deter them
Bonners Eucalyptus castile soap - spray dilution on the lawn/garden
Beer, epsom salt and blue mouthwash spray - in spring to last the summer
Tetmosol soap
Tiki torches
Mosquito barrier concentrate - for the yard perimeter
Electric tennis bug racket
Spartan mosquito eradicator
Set up a powerful fan with small netting on the back and let it run and catch them all on the net. When it's full, some will be dead already and the others you spray with rubbing alcohol.
Treatment for the bites!
Small amount of toothpaste
Fresh onion
Vick’s Vapor Rub
Baking soda paste
A hot metal spoon
“Bite away” product
Lavender oil in a carrier oil in a roller ball battle
Salves with herbal infused oils
Plantain poultices
Plantain salve with calendula
Rubbing alcohol
Hand sanitizer
Triple antibiotic cream to any scratched with broken skin - to prevent cellulitis!