Perspective Shifts

I live on a busy, two-lane country road. There's a road nearby that makes a T intersection with my road.

The traffic sounds make the front yard not usable for sitting and having conversations. We have to go to the backyard for that. But it's great for growing gardens!

Sometimes the traffic sounds are overwhelming but most of the time when I'm indoors, they're just in the background to me now. I've become used to it.

There's a lot of fields around my area and many of them are being converted to suburban communities. This means there's a lot of construction trucks, dump trucks, lumber trucks, and landscape companies driving back and forth. The big ones shake the ground outside and in the house and rattle our windows.

I'm sitting on the front porch just watching the traffic go by and part of my brain started to complain about the noises but the other part remembered just how quiet everything was when the covid lockdown first started.

At first I enjoy the silence but as weeks went by the lack of road noise was just too eerie. And it became depressing to not hear the trucks and the developing going on and life going on as normal. It's funny how our perspective changes over time.

At any rate, the sun is setting soon. I'm going to keep sitting in my rocking chair on my front porch watching my busy, two-lane country road.


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