You want to protect your plants from freezing right? Whatever keeps the snow OFF the leaves will help.
Frost cloth, bedsheets, tarps. Also consider cardboard boxes, milk jugs cut in half, 2 liter pop bottles cut in half. Poke holes in the bottom sections. Plastic totes. Coffee cans with holes punched. Bed sheets, thin blankets. I've even used hoodies to wrap them up...
I used whatever I had on hand to cover my pansies on 4/1. Even a flipped over black plastic starter plant tray. They were just fine.
Out front I used kid tent posts for support and frost cloth. That's bug screen below but I laid frost cloth over it. I use small, cheap clamps to hold the cloths.
In the greenhouse I have a heat mat underneath and use frost cloth on top. That kept the soil temp at about 54 degrees.