
We brought home a tree today. So exciting! It's a yellow Sunsation magnolia. We had an enormous pink one in the suburbs and really like them.

The place actually dug it out of the ground for us so it felt a lot like transplanting a Very Large plant. They had burlapped it and said to plant it with the burlap on. No thanks. We cut away all of it from the top and sides and shoved the rest as far down into the hole as possible. Then we added the supplement they gave us around the root ball, backfilled, watered it in and mulched. (Janet Macunovich would be proud, lol. )

I know it's going to be gorgeous! Some of the buds had frozen from the snow and cold temps but there are other buds that are just fine. We planted it at the  west side of the house so it should also provide some nice shade.

I wanted to make sure I knew how much water to give it so I link this link.


"Outrageous! Sunsation Magnolia will be a traffic-stopper in your landscape in spring. Brakes will squeal as gawkers stop to get a better look. “What kind of tree covers itself in huge (seven-inch) yellow flowers?” they’ll wonder. Sunsation becomes even more fascinating upon closer inspection, when you notice the rosy-pink brushstroke at the base of each creamy yellow petal. The color combo is unexpected but lovely. Unlike many spring-blooming Magnolias, Sunsation rarely gets zapped by late frosts. It blooms later than most, almost always avoiding subfreezing temperatures. You can depend on it to put on a stellar performance!"

More here about this tree

And a quick post about how trees are investments to be protected

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