Carry-out Gardener

From Carryout to Gardener in Three Easy Steps

Here’s what you need to grow your own salads and greens indoors.

  • Your favorite restaurant carryout containers

  • A knife with a fine point and a spoon for stirring

  • Water

  • Seed starting or potting soil

  • Salad and greens seeds

Prepare container

  • Wash

  • Remove labels

  • Poke holes in the bottom

  • Flip lid upside down and put under container to catch any extra water

Add soil

  • Mix water and soil until it’s brownie batter consistency.

  • Add to container and level off.

  • Leafy greens have shallow roots so the soil doesn’t have to be deep.

  • Press trenches into soil in rows.

Plant salad and greens seed

  • Sprinkle seeds into the trenches.

  • Press trenches closed.

  • Label the containers so you know what’s growing.

  • Place near a sunny window.

  • Harvest when microgreens and/or large leaves.

  • Enjoy!


Speedy Seedlings

