
I hope you had a nice weekend!

Dave plays drums for the worship band at my old church but this weekend they said they didn't need him because they were doing things acoustically. He came with me to my local church instead and we did the zoom Bible study at the park on the water. That was nice ❤️

After church, the wind was super strong and the sun felt burning hot. We had to roll up the tarp that's over the chicken run so it doesn't blow away or shred. Greenhouse temps showed nearly 90 degrees so doors were wide open, sides rolled up and fans on high.

SE corner: Found five new forsythia for transplanting out in the SE corner
Took down the tall Joe Pye Weeds - so easy to snap off at the base.
I moved the daffodils from the lawn into a garden bed so now the grass can get cut. Dave is replacing the snow plow with the cutting deck.

Need to prune hydrangeas - “watch the leaf buds as they swell and begin to open on the stems. Just before or after this happens is a good time to prune Quick Fire. If the leaves have already opened but it’s still early spring, it’s OK to prune your plant. Waiting much longer than this will delay the onset of blooms and give you a shorter season to enjoy them.”

E side, inside
Need to prune hibiscus - “Cut each branch on the hibiscus bush so that only 2-3 nodes remain per branch. Cut back to 3 to 6 inches. 45 degree angles.”

Orchard - trees are starting to leaf out - cherry especially

Josh's Trellis Gardens
I saw Grace standing on the chicken fencing covering - eating violas through the holes.... will be revising that protection soon.

S side of house
Jan came and got the gladioli to live at her house. That bed is nearly ready for new butterfly plants 😀
RKGBs - mulched with cut straw. Mulching will be super important as the temps swing wildly. Nice view now with the blooming forsythia, daffodils and tulips.

Rain is on the way so I hope that will cool things down a bit.

We drove to Sonic - with the AC on -for a dinner date then delivered three dozen eggs and chatted with friends a while.

It was a lovely day!


Carry-out Gardener

