What's Up?
I've been busy. How about you?
Trying to regulate the greenhouse temp on sunny days.
Hardening off cold plants.
Trying onions in containers - reusing perennial pots and changing the rolling metal herb bed to an onion bed.
Refurbishing the front pocket garden. Moving things out to prepare for a butterfly magnet patch.
Starting cold crops in the raised kitchen garden beds, using frost cloth for protection.
Potting up growing seedlings.
Trying to find new homes for meadow rue.
Light spring cleanup around the farm.
Starting sweet potato slips.
Trying a kobucha squash and drying seeds for planting.
Starting more and more seeds
But not the cats…
Doing spring cleanups, plantings and consultations…
Planning out a cutting garden for this year and envisioning how the cattle panel arches trellises will be loaded up with vines…
And coming up with more designs - including a pie garden 😀
Here are some videos for you!
LIGHT spring cleanups https://youtu.be/iFOEX9T5X_E
Planting pansies https://youtu.be/EFavvUln8HQ
Roots, not seeds https://youtube.com/shorts/hba-74-biow?feature=share
Kabocha squash https://youtube.com/shorts/YPrm3sBSzg8?feature=share
Let me know how you’re doing this spring! If you like this content, please share it with friends, family and neighbors!