
Every time someone undervalues their eggs, everyone else suffers...

It's like if I decided to sell a house for $1000.

All the other house values dip.

How much does it cost to raise chickens?

I'm working out a spreadsheet to see if I'm even breaking even at a $5 price per dozen…

My calculations so far.


11 hens = 8 eggs/day x 7 days = 56 eggs/week. Reasonable estimate accounting for off days.
56 eggs x 40 good weeks =2240 eggs/12 = 186 dozens x $5/dozen = $930 year minimum

Large cartons $36 for 30 =$1.20/carton $223/year 186 cartons

Standard size cartons $30 for 30 = $1/carton $186/year 186 cartons


Starting point: 1/4 of a pound per fully grown chicken per day.

This means each chicken will eat approximately 1.5 pounds of feed in a week.
12 birds x 1.5 = 18 lbs per wk X52 wks = 936 lbs/50 lb bags = 19
15.29 Dumor 50lb x19/year $291

18.79 Nutrena 50lb x19/year $357
OR (24.99 40 lb organic crumbles) (19/yr $475)

Scratch $15.49 5 grain 30 lbs x3/year $46
Oyster shell $13.49 50 lbs x1 /year $13

Metal cans - outdoor feed $27.99, scratch and oyster shell storage, poo collector $24.99x3 = $103
Water $3.52 per 100 cubic feet. $.0047/gallon
Straw - nest box, year round $13.99 chopped 2 cu ft x4year = $56
Straw - winter bedding, 3 months 14.39 compressed 3.6 cu ft x3/year = $43
Pine shavings - winter, 3 months $5.59 flake, 8cuft x3/year = $17
Builder’s sand - nonwinter, 9 monthsx3 bags/month $3.48/bag x27/year=$94

Poop scooper x1 = $13

Metal rake x1= $22

Initial costs:

Shade cloth $40
Overhead netting $50

Electric - lights, timer, heated waterer $56, automatic door, radiant heat panel $45

Lighting - inside solar string $14, motion security $30
Fasteners: zip ties, caribiners
Winterizing: plywood, shower curtains
Paver blocks

Gasoline - mileage to feed store

Medical supplies: gauze, wrap, salve, antibiotic paste and spray, blucote, ACV, vitamins, bra, saddle, cat carrier/dog crate

Maintenance on structures
Coop/pen $1500, run fencing, hardware cloth, roosts, waterer $37, feeder $8

Poultry - chicks or adults

Incubator if hatching eggs $150

Brooder plate if starting with chicks

How much does it cost to raise chickens?

There were some consumables I didn't price out, but as I guessed, the amount in from eggs - at $5 per dozen - doesn't cover the yearly costs.

Initial startup costs

-103 cans
-13 scoop
-22 rake
-40 shade cloth
-50 netting
-56 heated waterer
-45 radiant heat panel
-14 solar string
-30 motion lights
-1500 coop/pen
-37 2 gal waterer, nonheated
-8 7 pound feeder

  Consumables per year
-223 cartons
-357 feed
-4 scratch
-13 oyster shell
-56 straw
-43 straw
-17 pine shavings
-94 sand
= -907

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Blessings, Cursing and Wisdom