Freshen up!

It's a good time to tidy up your strawberry beds! Or plant new ones!

Video here:

Notes below.

They don't like wet feet!


Raised beds.


Strong wind messes up their hair. They want some wind protection. See the half brown/half green leaves.

They aren't beach bunnies. They don't want a whole day of full sun.

Dead parts won't grow so cut them off - except…

So easy to get new plants! They send runners out and new plants form at the ends. Snip them off, put into soil and water regularly - at least till you see new leaves forming.

Remove debris and…

…add a comfy blanket around the crown(plant center), under the leaves and on top of the soil. Straw is nice and snuggly. It keeps the soil moist and cool and blocks weed seeds. It's a good idea to mulch with straw in the fall to protect from the snow and drastic temp changes.

Many air and ground critters enjoy strawberries too! Some people use red painted rocks that birds peck at and get a bad surprise then don't bother them. Some like fencing and cages. Some use hardware cloth under a hill or raised bed to keep digging critters out.

There's at least two types. One gives fruit right away and the other needs a year to mature.

What's your favorite strawberry recipe? Mine is chocolate covered :)

Happy learning and growing!

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Click here to get two free planting guides for Zone 6 in Michigan.


Greens Beds


Passion Pansies