Crabby apples
Gorgeous spring flowering crabapple tree in the backyard, fills with pollinators! This year I decided we would use some instead of letting the wild birds take all of them.
Makes fruit in summer to harvest in fall! I bring in just a little a time and when there's at least eight cups, I process them.
The initial plan was for crabapple jelly following what I saw here:
Removed leaves.
Tried removing stems -ow! Stopped.
Weighed out the amount to adjust the recipe amounts.
Added equal parts water to the apples.
Cooked them down till soft, mashed them.
Added the mash to a cheesecloth.
Wrapped and hung cheesecloth bag to drain out juices.
But after hanging several hours and squeezing the bag a LOT, there was only about a cup of juice. So I ran it all through the apple mill which removed stems, skins and seeds. Mixed it into the juice. Added sugar and got to a boil. Labeled into jelly jars and water bath canned.
Next time I think I'll need to add more water to the mix - if I want more juice for the jelly! Also, I won't mash them after cooking and I'll follow a recipe to the T!
Foraging crabapples and what to do with them
How to tell if they're ripe and crabapple jelly