Chickens Wear Coats

My flock management in in the cold

The coop is close to the house to make it easier for us humans…

Dry chickens are happy chickens so I protect from rain and wind. OSB was added to the north and east walls and the plastic sheeting is heavy duty clear shower curtains.

In the pen there's straw to insulate against the cold ground and wide roost boards so they can cover their entire feet and keep them warm. In the run there's a variety of objects to stand on.

The pen has a roof so feed, scratch and water are hung from above. This keeps it cleaner and less likely to be shared by mice. The waterer is heated to prevent freezing. The heater kicks on at 32 degrees. Kitchen scraps are provided on the Chicknick table.

Predator protection.

Solar powered motion sensor lights are all over and come on when anything moves near them. Cargo and deer netting and snow fencing keep them safe from sky predators.

One of my favorite tools is caribeeners. I use them everywhere. I like to be able to open up or move things like the shade - especially on sunny days!

I added velcro strips to the plexiglass windows of the hen house. This way they can be adjusted depending on wind, rain and temperature. I'll keep scooping poo from the sand unless it freezes.

Monitoring. Security camera that swivels and a great big thermometer helps me check on them from the house or wherever I am.

I'd love to see your setup or help you get started with chickens. Drop me an email some time!

NOW is a good time to plant spring bulbs, install fencing to protect from critters, build new garden beds and create new flower plans for spring.

I can help you do these things or do them for you. Contact me for more information!


Fall Services


Spring Cheer After Long Winters