Rats and cats and squirrels, oh my!

The best and most simple defense against them looks to be physical cages!

I spent hours pouring over information for you and have concluded that time spent up front will save you a ton of time and aggravation later! πŸ’‘

Remember to keep it simple and accessible for YOU, not critters!

If it's cats 🐈 and squirrels, chicken wire is fine as they can't get through those holes. But if it's rats or mice, use hardware cloth!

The second best control idea was specific traps like this one:


And this one: https://www.amazon.com/Tomcat-Rat-Snap-Trap-Size/dp/B012RGM7BO/ref=redir_mobile_desktop?ie=UTF8&aaxitk=slG9dkU7NcjkCnNO7CIKvg&hsa_cr_id=1355575110401&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_mcd_asin_2

BUT then you need to dispose of the bodies AND they may be super numerous. πŸ’€ ☠️

A third idea was to make sure they had a water source far away from your gardens. πŸ’§ 🚿 Some recommend feeding them over there and others say don't feed them at all.

It's all up to you! You can go through all the potions and natural remedies and predator 🐺 🦊urine you want

πŸ… 🌢 🌿 OR 🍈 πŸ‰

You can start protecting your gardens from the beginning.

πŸ—“ February and March are good times to do this so your new seedlings and plants stand a good chance of growing.

Here are plans for the simple cage below


And here are plans for an Ana White design as seen below


More ideas here!

Credits to these channels for great information!


Make the best of what you have!


5 Reasons to Compost!