Working smarter, not harder

for the three outdoor growing

seasons we have available!



For every problem, there's a solution.

"This new house we bought came with a garden but I don't know what these plants are or how to care for them."

"I have a small tree with a small hole in it. Should I fill it?"

"What can I plant under my crab tree?"

"My mom's garden is too big. How can I close that one and create a small patch she can manage?"

"Can you make a butterfly garden for our church?"

"How can I grow anything when I have (dogs/cats/chickens/kids) that like to dig everything up?"

"I want to grow fresh food for my toddlers but they keep pulling up/stepping on the plants."

"My granddaughter really wants to plant a butterfly garden. How do we start? What should we plant?"

Let’s grow together…



Success comes from thinking about the garden before starting it! Your coach will help you decide what to grow, draw sketches, measure spaces, test soil or build a raised bed, prepare before seeding or bringing home plants and protect the space from animals and children.


Welcome the new plants into your garden and place the seeds. Nourish and defend from threats. Take pictures of your growing babies. Ask your coach questions along the way. Schedule your coach visit to check on the progress and get specific direction.


Enjoy your successful gardening! The challenges are behind you and the benefits are now. Reminisce on the sunny, rainy, hot, cold times. Remember how it felt to be out in your garden space. Consider what worked and what didn’t and if you’d like to expand your garden. Repeat the planning cycle for next year. Contact your coach with your ideas!

Here’s some of what you might harvest:


  • Personalized planting and specialty garden plans and problem solving.

  • Customized garden beds, trellising, fencing protections, hoops, cold frames and greenhouses.

  • Coaching and maintenance through the growing season.

  • Workshops, classes and on site demo gardens.

Want to schedule a consultation? Visit this link to meet on Smeeple!



It's a person who values their resources: time, money and labor.

They've discovered the easiest and best ways to start and take care of their gardens by trial and error and the experiences their mentors share.

It's not that they don't work, it's that they work smarter and not harder.

January 20th, 3-5 pm Make & Take with The Lazy Northern Gardener: Winter Sowing Time!

November 18, 2-5 pm. Make & Take with The Lazy Northern Gardener: Birdhouse Gourds and Spring Bulb Container Planting

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Get inspired.

Click here for the Photo Galleries!

Tuesday Garden Q&A Chats Recordings

June 1 - Deer

May 25 - Variety of Topics

May 18

May 11th

May 4th

About Your Coach